You might know us from Ritte, or you might know us from somewhere OTHR than that. From developing apparel technologies that have had us threatened by Nike to running logistics for Formula 1 to producing photography for some of the world’s largest action sports brands, we’ve been around the block a bit. Ultimately, bikes brought our team together.
We’ve always been a little bit particular. Maybe sometimes more than a little bit. Any of our component partners can tell you that we expect their A game.
About 2 years ago we found ourselves unsatisfied with the available offerings - between specs, price, capability, and availability we thought something was missing. We spent ages seeking out every available wheelset and handlebar to suit our needs and came up empty. If we wanted to spend absolute top dollar we could get what we wanted, or if we were seeking out a lower quality option there were plenty of price-centric competitors, but nothing for the meat of the bell curve. Nothing that suited normal folks wanting the best. There had to be another option. The OTHR option.
So here we are. We’ve taken everything we know, leveraged the advice and expertise of plenty of experts in cycling, composites, and aerodynamics, and built our own components. This is the OTHR option. The top spec, top value options that we couldn’t find anywhere else.